
Not All Probiotics Are Equal UPDATED

Not all probiotics are created equally...According to WebMd.com…“Bifidobacteria belong to a group of bacteria called lactic acid bacteria LAB.
Lactic acid bacteria are found in fermented foods. Bifidobacteria are used in treatment as so-called “probiotics,” the opposite of antibiotics. They are considered "friendly" bacteria and are taken to grow and multiply in areas of the body where they normally would occur. The human body counts on its normal bacteria to perform several jobs, including breaking down foods, helping the body take in nutrients, and preventing the take-over of “bad” bacteria. Probiotics such as bifidobacteria are typically used in cases when a disease occurs or might occur due to a kill-off of normal bacteria. For example, treatment with antibiotics can destroy disease-causing bacteria, but also normal bacteria in the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.” 
Probiotics that are fermented over years with seaweed, mushrooms, lactic acid, fruits, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids and are at least 900 million CFUs work best.

I have tried and really like Dr. Ohhira's proprietary LAB Strain. It is the best one I have taken so far.  It is a bit more expensive, but they say it includes prebiotics, enzymes, micro-nutrients, and organic acids for healthy digestive pH.   It is also 100% Vegetarian, dairy and gluten free and non GMO as well.

It is my opinion, taking a probiotic daily should just be standard protocol for good health.  A good probiotic keeps your system moving regularly.  The last thing you want is for the toxins to build up in your system, stay there and then permeate outside the colon and into your bloodstream.  When toxins move throughout your body into your organs from the gut, that is when you become vulnerable to diseases.

Update: Spirulina or blue-green algae is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids, antioxidants can help protect cells from damage and is shown to boost the growth of probiotics or good bacteria, such as L. acidophilus (which plays a major role in maintaining healthy gut flora and digestion.) "Animal and test tube studies suggest that spirulina may protect against allergic reactions by stopping the release of histamines, substances that contribute to allergy symptoms, such as a runny nose, watery eyes, hives, and soft-tissue swelling." *

NOTE:  Kelp (seaweed) and spirulina are two different types of seaweed that are good for human consumption. The two seaweeds contain different nutrients.

Grape Seed Extract may also help reduce the allergic responses and symptoms in one's body by inhibiting the enzymes that are involved in the formation of histamine.  An excess of histamine released in the stomach can cause stomach problems as well as food sensitivities.

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