
Breathing Properly

Breathing properly is not as easy as it sounds.  In my book, Health, Healing and Hope, I quote NormalBreathing.com.  They say that "Over 90% of modern people suffer from breathing problems.  The common problems include chest breathing, mouth breathing, and hyperventilation, all of which reduce oxygen levels in body cells and promote chronic diseases." This image from normalbreathing.com of the brain illustrates this dramatic difference between breathing normally and hyperventilating.

People who over breathe can have sleep apnea, digestion problems, inability to exercise, panic attacks, addictions, heart disease and much more. Low body oxygen (O2) generates free radicals, which are bad for the body and brain.  Usually all three brain chemicals O2, CO2 and glucose are deficient when hyperventilating occurs. At NormalBreathing.com they have free tools to help you record your breathing. Their system, Buyteko Breathing teaches correct breathing techniques to slow down one's automatic and unconscious breathing patterns.
On a related subject to breathing, I need to mention Empty Nose Syndrome. Empty Nose Syndrome or ENS is a medical term to describe a nose crippled by over resection of the inferior and/or middle turbinates as a result of SURGERY. 
Main symptoms that result are: Chronic dryness of the nose and pharynx, shortness of breath, upsetting nasal sensations switching between over openness or congestion of the remaining mucosa, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating and a generally depressed and irritated mood.
Now what?  Here are a couple more ideas to aid with breathing. Remember that not everything works the same for everyone.
According to D. C. Jarvis MD in  his book Folk Medicine, he says that chewing the honeycomb is excellent for treating inflammation of the breathing tract and sinuses.  Also, chlorophyll or wheat grass can often increase the number of red blood cells and increase oxygen utilization by the body. Other options might include: hydrogen peroxide (See Disclaimer), coconut oil, N-acetylcysteine, bromelain, marshmellow root, wild cherry bark, horehound. Essential oils are also good such as: Eucalyptus radiate, Bay Laurel Leaf,  Melaleuca (Tea Tree), Ravensara and peppermint.

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