
Electro Dermal Screening, Zyto Compass

Electrodermal Screening has its beginnings in what was called galvanic skin testing. The skin response is a method of measuring the electrical resistance of the skin and was discovered in the early 1900s.
In the 1950s, a West German physician named Reinhold Voll combined acupuncture theory with galvanic skin response technology GSR. Galvanic skin testing detects sweat on the skin, and more sweat produces better electrical conduction. Voll tested the skin along various points with particular attention to the body’s meridian as the patient holds a probe in one hand. The meridian energy flow carries with it information about internal organs that can be used in diagnosis. Through these skin-level measurements, it is possible to analyze the bio-energy and bio-information produced by internal organs and systems.

ZYTO Technology uses the same Galvanic Skin Response GSR technology to measure the fluctuations in electrical conductivity of the skin.  In this method the client places their hand on a hand cradle and the software used sends stimuli to the body using digital signatures.  Fluctuations in the Galvanic Skin Response are then measured and interpreted.  The response helps to assess the health needs of the client. 

After the screenings, usually the practitioner will prescribe vitamins for the deficiencies found.  One would go back periodically to see if there is any improvement and then adjust the supplements appropriately.  This screening is not invasive, easy and gives immediate feedback.

**Not for people with pacemakers.

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